2010년 11월 30일 화요일


그래서 인기에 도움이 되셨습니까?
그렇게 인기 받아서 좋으시겠수..
니가 불쌍하다..ㅉㅉ 팬이 그정도도 없다니~~~
Yahoo 시망!

KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong

[2009/10/25] 널 부르는 노래

[2009/10/25] 인천세계축전-널 부르는 노래

KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong

[2009/10/25] Love like this

[2009/10/25] 인천세계축전-Love like this

KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong


"몇시간 전에 이 자리에 있었는데요.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
와..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ진짜 김현중이랑 배용준 나올 때....... 함성이... 진짜.. 어마어마 하더라구요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" 라고 네이트댓글에서~
KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong

2010년 11월 27일 토요일

Singer & Actor, Kim Hyun Joong

The rice (for the PK press conference) was donated to the organizations for single mom, children having leukemia, and multicultural families under the name, "Singer & Actor, Kim Hyun Joong" Thank you for all of you here and your friends who always work hard for Hyunjoong. Getting together from all over the world for our adorable star, HJ, was wonderful experience! Thanks again! ^^

KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong

2010년 11월 26일 금요일

[MUHANDOJEON] Bibimbap _ Korean Food

무한도전의 이 광고는 한국 홍보 전문가 서경덕 성신여대 객원교수, CF감독 차은택씨가 함께 제작한 것으로 서울예대 무용학과 박숙자 교수가 총 안무를 맡고 학생 200여명이 참여했다. 30초 분량의 광고 안으로 가장 한국적인 것들은 담아낸 이 영상광고는 오는 12월말까지 타임스스퀘어 광장 내 최대 크기의 광고판으로 알려진 TSQ 전광판을 통해 1시간에 2번, 하루 총 48번씩 노출된다.


Perfect is always with Kimhyunjoong

2010년 11월 25일 목요일

[2006/09/17]My girl

[2006/09/17]My girl(싱글2집)

활동 : Fifhter 후 후속곡으로 Snow prince

[2006/09/17] EVERYTHING

2006년 늦여름날의 오사카에서 첫 해외콘서트.

일본으로의 프로모션을 하기 전이었음에도 불구하고

2회 공연의 오카사콘서트는 매진이었음.

[2010/10/21] Your leader, Hyunjoong

Hi  ^^
I hope you had a good time today ;->

The first drama where I was the main actor....
Despite the rampant talks…
I was able to do my best
and successfully complete it
because of your support  :-)

Hmm… all the countless rumors, ungrounded articles....
More than anything,
I want to thank my dear fans
For having your eyes closed, and your ears closed
And only looking at me
Being patient for today

Promising something absurd
Which will never be realized…
I’m not that kind of a person

So, I wanted to give you an accurate account
When things settled down a bit
And when everything became clearer
But sorry for having kept you waiting

And the final conclusion is this
‘Be positive, without being difficult’

While filming this drama
Some of you were worried because of the rating
But for me
I overcame a key challenge with
“The Playful Kiss”

Living as another person, Seungjo Baek…

Of course, I’m no genius like Seungjo,
But, I had my own set of issues
That I couldn’t share with others
So, I struggled to solve them on my own
Just like him…

And at one occasion,
I saw a line that read
“Fun for me, happiness for others”
And the phrase
Left me thinking hard

So.. I thought,
I should have more fun!

If I have any issues,
Maybe I can share them with you and talk with you…
You know, I’m not that mysterious person kk

I came to realize
That I was a results-driven person
And I regretted...

At first, it was more like
Trying to appear as if I had fun
But now, I want to do my best,
Accept the result as it is,
Not deny it
That’s the kind of person I want to become

A new challenge ahead of me is
My first solo album J
I will really pour my best
So that you can be entertained

You supported and protected me
Through Aug~Oct this year

I will stage a fabulous comeback
So that I can support and protect you
In 2011 ;-)

Thank you for watching
During the last 3 months

Always take care
And have a good year end

From today, I will think of you
As my family ;->

See you---^^

Oct. 21, 2010
At the last episode of “The Playful Kiss”

Your leader,